
The Sunday offertory is critical to the vitality of our parish. Not just to pay the bills that continue to accrue, but to sustain the life-giving works carried out each day by our dedicated personnel, devoted clergy, and faithful lay leaders.

Electronic giving is a simple tool that provides our parishioners the opportunity to support the parish in a way that is convenient and secure. Payments can be made using a bank account or credit card, scheduled in advance to occur on a recurring basis, or as individual one-time gifts. With your first donation you can create a confidential username and password, allowing you to edit your donation schedule at any time.

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Parish Giving


 "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?"

Psalm 116


Everything is from God. So naturally, we make a return for all the wonderful gifts He has given to us. This return is called our "tithe". One simple way of tithing is a donation made out of our income to support the church and charities that are close to our heart.




As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are motivated to share our time and treasure with the Church from a deep sense of gratitude for His goodness to us. Stewardship is a way of life that strengthens our relationship with God and with one another.

Your donations are vital to the growth of St. Adalbert Parish and our ministries. Regardless of your situation in life, there are ways that you can support the church, first through your prayers, but also through the gifts of your time, talents, and treasures.

 Thank you for your generosity and continued support to St. Adalbert Church!